Control Valve Sizing Excel Worksheets per ISA and IEC Standards - Free Download

100% Free - Documentation Included


  1. New October 2022 Aerodynamic Noise Worksheet and Valve World magazine article Simple Excel Worksheet Predicts Control Valve Aerodynamic Noise by Jon F. Monsen, Ph.D., PE
  2. New September 2022 InTech Focus ebook Gas Compressibility Factor and Control Valve Sizing by Jon F. Monsen, Ph.D., PE
  3. New July 2022 Hydrodynamic Noise Worksheet and Valve World magazine article Excel Worksheet Predicts Control Valve Hydrodynamic Noise by Jon F. Monsen, Ph.D., PE
  4. April 2022 Worksheet that performs a valve sizing calculation for liquid flow without requiring an iterative solution. The ISA and IEC control valve sizing standards list formulas for liquid valve sizing that require an iterative solution whenever pipe reducers are involved upstream and downstream of the control valve. An iterative solution is required because the valve flow capacity, Cv, is one of the parameters that goes into the formulas, but it is Cv that one needs to solve for. Jon Monsen's method is so simple that it can be completely described in a three page magazine article Simplified Methods for Liquid Control Valve Sizing and it gives the EXACT same results as an iterative solution.
  5. October 2021 Worksheet that will calculate and graph control valve installed flow characteristic and installed gain, based on using the user’s preferred control valve sizing software. This is an enhanced version of the “Calculate and Graph Control Valve Installed Flow and Gain 2021 Worksheet" shown as list item 2 below. There are no errors in the item 2 version below, but enhancements were left out so it would fit into a magazine article. This one is a lot nicer and it also has a Read Me tab with instructions, and a tab with the article in Process Instrumentation magazine, and to an older article discussing installed gain.
  6. 2021 Worksheet that will calculate and graph control valve installed flow characteristic and installed gain, based on using the user’s preferred control valve sizing software. Constructing and using the Excel sheet is discussed in the article Calculating the Installed Flow and Gain of a Control Valve in Process Instrumentation Magazine. Worksheet and article by Jon F. Monsen.
  7. 2020 Worksheet offering an accurate and simple Control Valve Hydrodynamic Noise Calculation via a non IEC method. Worksheet by Jon F. Monsen and calculation method by Hans D. Baumann. Control valve noise prediction method discussed here in Valve World Magazine.
  8. 2019 Workbooks intended as full function control valve sizing applications.
  9. 2019 Workbooks include control valve sizing calculations in accordance with the current ISA/IEC standards and noise calculations in accordance with the current IEC standards.
  10. 2019 workbooks include typical valve sizing and noise calculation parameters and typical tables of valve capacity (Cv) for a number of the most popular control valve styles. As such, many users will find them suitable for preliminary control valve selection. 
  11. 2019 workbooks have the rare ability to calculate and graph the installed flow characteristic and installed gain of a particular valve style and size in the system into which it is to be installed.
  12. 2019 workbooks include built-in documentation.
  13. Perform traditional Cv calculations.
  14. Space for four simultaneous calculations.
  15. Calculate required control valve capacity (Cv or Kv) for Minimum, Normal, Maximum and one additional flow condition.
  16. Engineering units are by default set to US units, but can be easily changed to SI units. 
  17. Comprehensive instructions.
  18. Based on ANSI/ISA-75.01.01 (IEC 60534-2-1 Mod) -2012 "Flow Equations for Sizing Control Valves."

Control Valve Excel Worksheet Sets available for download:

  1. Control Valve Aerodynamic Noise - October 2022 Worksheet
  2. Control Valve Hydrodynamic Noise - July 2022 Worksheet
  3. Valve Sizing Calculation for Liquid Flow Without Requiring an Iterative Solution - April 2022 Worksheet.
  4. Enhanced Calculate and Graph Control Valve Installed Flow and Gain - October 2021 Worksheet.
  5. Calculate and Graph Control Valve Installed Flow and Gain - 2021 Worksheet.
  6. Control Valve Hydrodynamic Noise - non IEC - simplified - 2020 Worksheet.
  7. Control Valve Sizing with IEC Noise - Liquid - 2019 Workbook.
  8. Control Valve Sizing with IEC Noise - Gas (Volumetric) - 2019 Workbook.
  9. Control Valve Sizing with IEC Noise - Gas (Mass) - 2019 Workbook.
  10. Control Valve Sizing (Liquid and Gas) Excel Worksheets - Legacy Version. 
  11. IEC Control Valve Aerodynamic Noise (Mass and Volumetric) Excel Worksheet - Legacy Version.
  12. IEC Control Valve Hydrodynamic Noise (Mass and Volumetric) Excel Worksheet - Legacy Version.
  13. Typical xFz, Fd and FL Parameters for IEC Control Valve Calculations Excel Worksheet.
  14. Liquid Vapor Pressure for Control Valve Sizing Excel Worksheet.
  15. Gas Compressibility Factor Based on the Nelson-Obert Generalized Compressibility Charts Excel Worksheet.
  16. Control Valve P1 and P2 vs. Flow Excel Worksheet.
  17. Liquid Pressure Drop in Pipe and Fittings Excel Worksheet.


These worksheets are distributed at no charge on an as-is basis. The author and INDUSTRYDOCS DO NOT assume any liability for their use.  

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October 2022 Worksheet that predicts control valve aerodynamic noise.

  • Control Valve Aerodynamic Noise - October 2022 Worksheet:

July 2022 Worksheet that predicts control valve hydrodynamic noise.

  • Control Valve Hydrodynamic Noise - July 2022 Worksheet:

April 2022 Worksheet that performs a valve sizing calculation for liquid flow without requiring an iterative solution.

  • Valve Sizing Calculation for Liquid Flow Without Requiring an Iterative Solution - April 2022 Worksheet:

Enhanced October 2021 Worksheet that will calculate and graph control valve installed flow characteristic and installed gain, based on using the user’s preferred control valve sizing software.

  • Enhanced Calculate and Graph Control Valve Installed Flow and Gain 2021 Worksheet:

2021 Worksheet that will calculate and graph control valve installed flow characteristic and installed gain, based on using the user’s preferred control valve sizing software.

  • Calculate and Graph Control Valve Installed Flow and Gain 2021 Worksheet:

2020 Worksheet for Hydrodynamic Noise Calculation using an accurate and simple non IEC method. Worksheet by Jon F. Monsen and calculation method by Hans D. Baumann.

  • Control Valve Hydrodynamic Noise non IEC 2020 Worksheet:

2019 Workbooks intended as full function control valve sizing applications

  • Liquid - Control Valve Sizing with IEC Noise 2019 Workbook:
  • Gas Volumetric Flow - Control Valve Sizing with IEC Noise 2019 Workbook:
  • Gas Mass Flow - Control Valve Sizing with IEC Noise 2019 Workbook:

Control Valve Sizing Excel Worksheets
(Legacy Versions - 2018 and Prior)

  • Liquid (Volumetric flow units) includes a tab that can convert mass flow to volumetric flow: 
  • Gas (Volumetric flow units where the molecular weight or specific gravity is known):
  • Gas (Mass flow units where the density is known. This includes steam):
  • 90 Deg to Relative Travel Table:
  • Instructions, PLEASE READ:

IEC Control Valve Aerodynamic Noise Worksheets:

  • IEC Aero Noise Mass: 
  • IEC Aero Noise Volumetric:
  • Instructions, PLEASE READ:

IEC Control Valve Hydrodynamic Noise Worksheets:

  • IEC Hydro Noise Mass: 
  • IEC Hydro Noise Volumetric:
  • Typical xFz, Fd and FL for IEC Control Valve Calculations:
  • Instructions, PLEASE READ:

Additional Worksheets:

  • Liquid Vapor Pressure:
  • Gas Compressibility Factor:
  • Control Valve P1 and P2 vs. Flow:
  • Liquid Pressure Drop in Pipe and Fittings:

Control Valve Resources

Why spend time designing all of your datasheets from scratch? 

Professionally designed datasheets in friendly Excel format that you may modify to suit your needs. Summarize the performance and technical characteristics of equipment and components in sufficient detail to be used by a design engineer for system integration. Specify typical values, ranges, tolerances, and nominal values.